Invite a Speaker

As we prepare for our 2025 in-person conference, our live speaker presentation program will remain on hiatus. If you would like to view our flagship webinars for medical and general audiences, please be sure to check out our on-demand webinars.

Schedule a FACTS Presentation

Are you looking for a speaker who can deliver an up-to-date presentation on natural or fertility awareness-based methods (NFP/FABMs)? The FACTS nationwide network of trained speakers – physicians, medical students and other healthcare professionals – is available to present to a wide range of groups.

We currently offer presentations designed for both medical professionals and for non-medical audiences. Cost of a presentation ranges from $100 to $1000 depending on type of presentation, speaker availability, presentation format, and location. Customized FACTS presentations tailored to your audience may be available at a higher fee.

Questions? Contact sp*****@FA*****************.org


Fertility Awareness-Based Methods for Family Planning

Goal: Educate health professionals so they may inform their patients about fertility awareness-based methods.
60-minute talks for medical audiences

The FABMs for Family Planning presentations will educate medical professionals and their colleagues about the science supporting FABMS and how it can be used for family planning. We have two versions of the presentation – one focuses on the use of these methods for preventing pregnancy and the other focuses on how these methods can be used to help couples achieve pregnancy, even if they may be dealing with infertility. A FACTS speaker can come to your university, office, or other location to present the most up-to-date research on fertility awareness-based methods. These talks are designed for medical audiences who may not have heard about fertility awareness-based methods or who want more information about their effectiveness rates for family planning.

Each presentation is also available to view as a live webinar. Additionally, each is approved for 1 continuing medical education (CME) credit by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Read here to learn additional details.

“Only 3% to 6% of physicians have accurate knowledge about the effectiveness rates of fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) of family planning.”

The Female Cycle as the 5th Vital Sign

Goal: Educate health professionals about fertility awareness-based methods and their applications for addressing women’s health.
90-minute talk for a medical audience

Did you know that women can learn to identify and chart observable external signs that reflect internal hormonal changes? This presentation is designed to highlight the health of the female cycle and how the female chart can potentially aid in the diagnosis and management of common women’s health concerns. Speakers will discuss the basic science behind fertility charting and review a variety of fertility charts, including potential indications of a woman’s health status based on what the chart reveals.

This presentation is also available to view as a live webinar. Additionally, it is approved for 1.50 continuing medical education (CME) credit by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

“The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using fertility awareness based charting for evaluating the menstrual cycle to assess normal development and detect irregularities.”

The Facts About Fertility Explained

Goal: Educate women and couples about FABMs and how charting can help women monitor their health and plan their families.
50 minute talk for a general audience

Would you like your patients or friends to learn the basics about the signs of fertility and their applications for women’s health and family planning? This introduction provides the perfect overview for a general audience that may have not heard about these methods and highlights how they provide a healthy alternative for family planning. Our speakers are trained to give a presentation designed for non-medical audiences.

We have two slightly different versions of the presentation – A Healthier Choice and Choosing a Method. A Healthier Choice highlights how FABMs offer a healthier alternative to conventional methods of birth control for family planning. Choosing a Method focuses more on factors women or couples may want to consider when choosing a method that is best for them.

The general presentation will cover:

• The science of charting a woman’s cycle
• The applications and benefits of using FABMs to monitor health
• The effectiveness of FABMs for family planning
• The benefits of FABMs in comparison to artificial methods of birth control

This presentation is also available to view as a live webinar.

Read more to learn additional details about this presentation.

Know Your Body

Goal: Educate adolescent girls about FABMs and how charting can help women monitor their health.
50 minute talk for a general adolescent audience

Know Your Body brings the science underlying the female cycle to an age-appropriate level for adolescents. We encourage teenage girls to watch it together with their moms or guardians! The webinar will review the signs of the female cycle that girls can learn to chart using a fertility awareness-based method (FABM). Our trained speakers will also discuss how learning this information can be empowering for teens.

The general presentation will cover:

• The science of the female cycle
• Cycle awareness charting
• Cycle awareness and your health

This presentation is also available to view as a live webinar.

“95% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the presentation.

“83% said they gained new knowledge that could be directly applied to their personal life.”

Ready to invite a FACTS speaker to present to your group?

Our trained speakers are now available nationwide. To schedule a presentation, please complete the form below at least 4 weeks prior to the event date. If you have a specific speaker in mind please select that individual’s name from the drop-down menu. If you do not have a specific speaker in mind we will work to find one that fits your needs, is available, and is in close proximity to the presentation location. We will do our best to respond to speaker requests within 2 business days. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss pricing, please feel free to email our Speaker Coordinator at Sp*****@FA*****************.org.

As we prepare for our 2025 in-person conference, our live speaker presentation program will remain on hiatus. If you would like to view our flagship webinars for medical and general audiences, please be sure to check out our on-demand webinars.