Never Stop Learning

We offer ways for students and
health professionals to learn more about FABMs

Through the FACTS group, we strive to educate students, colleagues and clients about scientifically sound, evidence based methods of family planning that are built on an understanding of our natural, reproductive physiology.

Based on this knowledge, we hope people will value their fertility and the way the body is designed to function. It is more than simply an awareness ~ we want to nurture an appreciation for one’s fertility and the female cycle.

Interested in making a difference in women’s health? Become a FACTS Ambassador to network with FABM knowledgeable physicians while educating your peers about fertility awareness on your campus and in your community. Ambassadors will have the opportunity to participate in research, present at medical conferences, and also gain valuable insight into incorporating FABMs into your future practice as a medical professional.

LEARN more about the expectations of being a FACTS Ambassador or SIGN UP today to join us and share the facts about fertility awareness based methods!

We offer presentations for a wide range of groups:

Fertility Awareness for Family Planning

60 minute talks for medical audiences

GOAL: Educate health professionals so they may inform their patients about fertility awareness based methods and their effectiveness for family planning

Interested in educating your colleagues about how these methods can be used to postpone pregnancy or help couples achieve pregnancy? A FACTS speaker can come to your university, office, or other location to present the most up-to-date research on fertility awareness based methods.

These presentations are approved for CME credit. Click here to learn more or to invite a speaker to present to your group.

The Female Cycle as the 5th Vital Sign

90 minute talk for a medical audience

GOAL: Educate health professionals about fertility awareness based methods and their applications for addressing women’s health

Did you know women can learn to identify and chart observable external signs that reflect internal hormonal changes? With this presentation speakers will discuss the basic science behind fertility charting and review a variety or fertility charts, including potential indications of a woman’s health status based on what the chart reveals.

This presentation is approved for CME credit. Click here to learn more or to invite a speaker to present to your group.

The Facts About Fertility Explained

50 minute talk for
a non-medical audience

GOAL: Educate women and couples about FABMs and how charting can help women monitor their health and plan for their families

Would you like your patients or friends to learn the basics about the signs of fertility and their applications for women’s health and family planning?  This introduction provides the perfect overview for a general, non-medical audience that may have not heard about these methods and how they provide a healthy alternative for family planning. Our trained speakers are now available nationwide.

Click here to learn more or to invite a speaker to present to your group.

Want to learn more about FABMs?
Our 2-week online-course focuses on the basic principles of FABMs, their effectiveness for family planning and the supporting science behind their medical applications. This course will also provide an opportunity for students to observe trained FABM educators and clinicians as they share this information with clients and patients. Medical and health professional students at any accredited program are encouraged to learn more. This course is approved as a 2-week medical school elective through Georgetown University School of Medicine. Click here to learn more or to enroll today!
Become a Preceptor

Are you a medical professional trained in natural or fertility awareness based method (FABMs) of family planning? Do you want to share your knowledge and experience integrating FABMs into women’s health care with future health professionals?

If so, please,

Join our team of FACTS Preceptors!

Significant innovations have been made in women’s health care, particularly within the realm of reproductive science. Parallel to these advances, natural methods for monitoring fertility have been standardized, refined and more extensively studied. FACTS professional, associate and student members may click below to read the most recent developments in research.

As a medical student, how can I learn more about the science behind FABMs?

In medical school, students learn about reproductive physiology, but not necessarily how it applies to fertility awareness based methods. For a brief overview of the science underlying these methods, click here. You may also invite one of our trained speakers to your school to give the FACTS introductory presentation, entitled: Fertility Awareness-Based Methods for Family Planning. If you are interested in learning more information about each of the methods, there is now an elective available through Georgetown University. Finally, for students who want to get more involved in educating their peers, FACTS has created the Student Ambassador Program to help mentor and train future physicians and other healthcare professionals who are interested in learning about FABMs.

As a physician or healthcare professional, how do I educate women about FABMs in my practice?

The simplest answer is to start incorporating information about FABMs into your list of possible family planning methods as this discussion would normally occur. FACTS has developed a Patient Guide to provide information to your patients about the different evidence based FABMs.  If your patients are interested in learning more, FACTS also has more detailed information about each method available and websites where they can go to find a teacher locally. Also in development is a Shared Decision Making Tool to guide the conversation about the different methods available. You may also invite a FACTS speaker to give our presentation, The Signs of the Female Cycle Explained.

Who can be trained to teach FABMs and how much does the training cost?

The prerequisites and training costs vary by individual method. Please check their websites for the most up-to-date prices. The Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM) offers in-person and online teacher training at a cost of $575 for an individual or $675 for a couple which prepares them to teach women or couples how to chart their cycles. The Creighton Model programs for FertilityCare Practitioners or Instructors cost between $2200 – $3100. Creighton Medical Consultant training cost about $3,100.  SymptoPro costs $400 for an individual or $510 for a couple. This base price involves training done completely online with all digital materials that you can print out as needed. The Marquette University College of Nursing Natural Family Planning (NFP) teacher training program is a professional to provide professional NFP services. The Institute for Reproductive Health offers on-line training materials at no cost for health professionals and others who wish to integrate the Standard Days Method in their services.