New Assessment Tool for Grief After Reproductive Loss: A Review
“This study helped to develop a more targeted screening tool for patients with complicated grief after reproductive loss … (which) can lead to much better outcomes.”
“This study helped to develop a more targeted screening tool for patients with complicated grief after reproductive loss … (which) can lead to much better outcomes.”
“After several months of learning to chart, she felt empowered to make more informed choices about family planning. She knew more about her own body than ever before.”
“Within the first 2 years of OCP use, women had a 79% increased rate of depression compared to never users. In adolescents, this rate was even higher, at 95%.”
Research indicates the optimal window of opportunity for estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in women is early in the endocrine aging process, during perimenopause and early post-menopause. Initiating ERT at that time may help prevent age-related cognitive decline and decrease the risk of dementia
“During the initial stages of menopause, while a woman’s estrogen receptors are still sensitive to estrogen, estrogen replacement has been shown to help prevent neurocognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.”
“As Caitlyn approached ovulation each cycle, she began to dread the onset of her luteal phase because of her symptoms. She felt helpless to prevent them.”