FACTS Speaker Feature: Deidre Wilson, DO, CFMC

FACTS Speaker Feature: Deidre Wilson, DO, CFMC

This year, we have featured a FACTS-trained speaker monthly to highlight the diversity and depth of knowledge of our talented pool of experts. This month, we are delighted to feature Dr. Deidre Wilson, a family physician with a special interest and expertise in reproductive health and fertility care. Since 2013, FACTS has trained speakers to provide presentations sharing the science of fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) with medical professionals, students, and the public. We have equipped more than ninety speakers who regularly present in medical schools, residency programs, hospitals, clinics, nursing schools, universities, and communities throughout the US and internationally.

The Marquette Model Empowers a Couple: An Interview

The Marquette Model Empowers a Couple: An Interview

Many women find fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) empowering, and Sara is one of them. This interview with a user of the Marquette Model is part of our series that highlights the variety of FABMs available to meet the needs of women and couples. Anisha Patel, a second-year medical student, conducted this interview as part of a two-week online elective through Georgetown University

More Apps for Fertility Awareness: A Review of Research

More Apps for Fertility Awareness: A Review of Research

Fertility awareness applications (apps) are a hot topic and will continue to grow in popularity, making it essential to assess their effectiveness, accuracy, and ease of use. This is a review of research published in 2018 in the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics titled, “Acceptability of a text message-based fertility awareness application for family planning in Lucknow, India.”

FACTS Speaker Feature: Pearl Huang-Ramírez, MD

FACTS Speaker Feature: Pearl Huang-Ramírez, MD

This year, we have featured a FACTS-trained speaker monthly to highlight the diversity and depth of knowledge of our talented pool of experts. Our series continues with Dr. Pearl Huang-Ramírez, a family physician and educator who is, quite literally, the reason FACTS exists. We know you will enjoy the story of how a simple conversation with Dr. Marguerite Duane, executive director and co-founder of FACTS, became the cornerstone of this important work.

The Creighton Model Offers Hope to a Couple with Infertility

The Creighton Model Offers Hope to a Couple with Infertility

During National Infertility Awareness Week, a medical student tells the story of how a fertility awareness based method (FABM) facilitated the diagnosis of infertility and helped a couple conceive their first child. Adair Boudreaux interviewed the couple and wrote this article as a 4th year medical student during a two-week online elective through Georgetown University.

The COVID-19 Crisis Sheds Light on Fertility Awareness

The COVID-19 Crisis Sheds Light on Fertility Awareness

Behavior change has been an essential element of the infection control measures employed to combat the spread of COVID-19 during this pandemic. Everywhere viral activity and disease prevalence are directly related to the consistency with which these strategies have been instituted and maintained. Accurate information, prudent guidelines and practices have been necessary to keep people safe. Compliance and behavior change have been crucial interventions to ensure the health of the public. So how does this relate to the effectiveness and practical applications of fertility awareness based methods (FABMs)? It relates in every way. Read more.

Fertility Awareness Among Men: A Research Review

Fertility Awareness Among Men: A Research Review

To highlight National Infertility Awareness Week the last week of April, this month we will feature interviews and research about infertility and fertility awareness. This post reviews research published in 2018 titled, “Men’s expectations and experiences of fertility awareness assessment and counseling.” It was written by a fourth-year medical student as part of a two-week online elective taught by FACTS executive director, Dr. Marguerite Duane, at Georgetown University School of Medicine.

FACTS Speaker Feature: Kimberly A. Vacca, MD

FACTS Speaker Feature: Kimberly A. Vacca, MD

We are proud to feature a FACTS-trained speaker every month to highlight the diversity, depth of knowledge, and expertise of our talented pool of speakers. This month we feature Kimberly Vacca, MD, a pediatrician committed to educating her colleagues and patients about the benefits of charting the female cycle and learning about FABMs.

FABMs: Early Diagnostic Tools in Endometriosis

FABMs: Early Diagnostic Tools in Endometriosis

This week’s interview with a patient begins with a common story of a frustrating search for answers while struggling with Endometriosis but highlights the reality that promising outcomes are becoming more frequent. It also highlights an exciting discovery: FABMS and charting may serve as early diagnostic tools in the often-long road to answers and effective treatment for women with endometriosis. FACTS is also offering access to a FREE webinar – check it out here.

FABMs: Essential Tools in a Physician’s Toolbox

FABMs: Essential Tools in a Physician’s Toolbox

During National Endometriosis Awareness Month, we write about two patients whose diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis was expedited by the use of charting and fertility awareness based methods (FABMs). Kylie Knoles-Barnett, a second year medical student, conducted this interview which illustrates the roadblocks some women encounter as they seek help. Medical professionals with expertise in FABMs have an expanded toolbox to support these women.