How Old is Too Old to Conceive? A Summary of Research Findings

How Old is Too Old to Conceive? A Summary of Research Findings

“Too old to have children? Lessons from natural fertility populations.” With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we remind women and couples hoping to conceive that fertility awareness can play a crucial role in achieving pregnancy. This research summary provides insight into a subject of increasing interest and concern for women who delay childbearing while highlighting the need for more research and education in this area.

How Family Physicians Can Help Couples Conceive: A Summary of Research Findings

How Family Physicians Can Help Couples Conceive: A Summary of Research Findings

National Infertility Awareness Week is upon us and we are devoting the last two weeks of April to this common source of anguish and frustration for women and couples. Read here a synopsis of the article, “Achieving Pregnancy Using Primary Care Interventions to Identify the Fertile Window,” published originally in “Frontiers in Medicine” in 2018.

Infertility, Endometriosis, and the Creighton Model

Infertility, Endometriosis, and the Creighton Model

During National Endometriosis Awareness Month, we tell the story of how charting with a fertility awareness based method (FABM) helped in the diagnose and treatment of endometriosis, making it possible for a couple to conceive their first child. This interview with the couple is part of our series that highlights the reality of using FABMs, including benefits as well as challenges of the various methods.