Stress and Its Impact on Infertility: A Research Review
FACTS Infertility Awareness Series. Our month long series on infertility continues by examining the impact of stress on infertility. While participating in the FACTS online elective, Michal Dusza summarized a research article published in 2018 in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience by Rooney and Domar titled, “The relationship between stress and infertility.” Dusza’s synopsis of their research focuses on the article’s review of psychiatric disorders associated with infertility treatment involving assisted reproductive technology (ART), and whether the symptoms impact the outcome of treatment.
Lifestyle Factors and their Impact on Fertility: A Review
FACTS Infertility Awareness Series. Our series to raise awareness and share the FACTS about infertility continues by examining the impact of lifestyle factors on fertility in both men and women. Heidi Bau summarized the 2013 article published in the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics by Petraglia et al titled, “The changing prevalence of infertility.” Her review ends by discussing the use of fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) in the workup and management of infertility.
FABM Applications in Subfertility: A Research Review
FACTS Infertility Awareness Series. This outstanding article opens our April series to raise awareness about infertility and the many aspects of health and wellbeing affected by this condition. Jenna Karrow wrote it while on the online FACTS fertility awareness elective now attended by 192 students since the fall of 2020. She summarized the research article titled, “‘Fertility Awareness-Based Methods’ and subfertility: a systematic review” published by Thijssen et al in 2014.
FACTS Speaker Feature: Eileen M. Sirois, CNM
This year, we have featured a FACTS-trained speaker every month to highlight the expertise and diversity of our presenters. Our Speaker Training Program helps us fulfill our mission to educate medical professionals and students about the science behind fertility awareness. Our series continues with Eileen Sirois, CNM, whose training in several fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) and experience incorporating fertility awareness in different practice settings enrich our webinar program.
FABM Spotlight: The TwoDay Method
FABM Spotlight: The TwoDay Method. At FACTS, we believe the “right” fertility awareness-based method (FABM) is the one that fits best with each woman or couple’s goals and desires. In this new blog series, we will discuss aspects of each modern method to emphasize the importance of assessing the merits of each FABM individually, since each one has unique benefits, challenges, effectiveness rates, biomarkers used, and nuance. Enjoy learning about each one, starting this month with the TwoDay Method!
National Endometriosis Awareness Month
This week, as we close out Endometriosis Awareness Month, we are delighted to publish an interview with a patient by one of our international students who participated in the FACTS online elective this year. Below is the story of a young lawyer and her husband as they’ve walked together on the journey through endometriosis diagnosis and treatment. Read about how FABMs empowered this couple and equipped their physician with tools (starting with the female chart) to diagnose and manage the condition.
- Breastfeeding & Pregnancy
- Charting and the Science of the Cycle
- CME Samples
- FABM Effectiveness for Pregnancy Prevention
- FABM Training Programs and Education
- FABMs for Infertility And Achieving Pregnancy
- FABMs Personal Stories
- Fertility Apps and FEMM Tech
- In The News
- Miscellaneous
- Psychosocial Aspects of NFP/FABMs
- Research
- Teacher Series
- Webinars
- Women’s Health & FABMs