Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Review
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is an important condition that all medical professionals who care for women should understand. It is estimated that between 5 and 20% of women suffer from PCOS. Dr. Jeremy Lickteig summarized the 2018 article titled, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” that was published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and discusses how fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) can help identify and manage root causes of PCOS to aid in restoring fertility. Read more!
Special Feature: A Trauma Surgeon’s Transformative Generosity
This month, we had the opportunity to get to know a trauma surgeon who has been an unwavering supporter of FACTS since before its launch in 2010! Her generous financial gifts have sustained FACTS every step of the way, and her kind support has been an uplifting source of encouragement for the FACTS team. Simply stated, FACTS would not be where it is without the generosity of Dr. Therese M. Duane, the sister of our executive director and cofounder, Dr. Marguerite Duane.
Breastfeeding Education and Support: Hope for DR Congo and the World
We conclude our month-long series on breastfeeding with a promising review of research about the impact of a program to promote successful breastfeeding in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo). In the study by Yotebieng et al, researchers sought to observe the impact of a breastfeeding program on infant health. Dr. Rachel Paquette summarized the study while on the FACTS elective.
NaPro-Trained Physicians Change a Woman’s Life
This inspiring interview provides insight into the applications of fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) in women’s health. Dr. Keisha Pierre-Lys interviewed a woman whose use of FABMs transformed her health, life, and family. Through this story, learn how physicians were able to diagnose and treat several root causes of subfertility, helping Sharlene* become healthier and even start a family.
Fertility Awareness Among Indian Women: A Review of Research
This review of research conducted in India emphasizes the need for fertility awareness education and organizations like FACTS. Dr. Madeline Bartram summarized the study published in 2018 by Mahey et al in BMC Women’s Health titled, “Fertility awareness and knowledge among Indian women attending an infertility clinic: a cross-sectional study.” The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge about fertility among patients at an infertility clinic.
Breastfeeding in the Early Postpartum Period: A Review of Research
Our series on breastfeeding continues with this review of research published in August of 2020 titled, “Maternal satisfaction with breastfeeding in the first month postpartum and associated factors.” The study took place in Brazil and assessed maternal satisfaction with breastfeeding in the early postpartum period. The researchers also noted factors contributing to maternal satisfaction and continuation of breastfeeding. The study was published by de Senna et al in the International Breastfeeding Journal and summarized by Dr. Kinga Budnicka. Read more!
- Breastfeeding & Pregnancy
- Charting and the Science of the Cycle
- CME Samples
- FABM Effectiveness for Pregnancy Prevention
- FABM Training Programs and Education
- FABMs for Infertility And Achieving Pregnancy
- FABMs Personal Stories
- Fertility Apps and FEMM Tech
- In The News
- Miscellaneous
- Psychosocial Aspects of NFP/FABMs
- Research
- Teacher Series
- Webinars
- Women’s Health & FABMs