NaProTechnology Benefits and Applications for Modern Women
“The benefits and applications of NaProTechnology are not widely known and often not taught in the traditional medical school curriculum. As a result, access to this restorative approach to reproductive healthcare may be significantly limited for many women and couples.”
Their FABM of Choice: The Marquette Model
“As with most things in medicine, it is important to understand there is not just one way of doing things, and with family planning, there are a variety of evidence-based natural methods available. By educating myself, I will be equipped to best help the patients I one day hope to treat.”
Cervical Mucus as a Marker of Fertility: A Review of Research
“With a mucus score of 4, the most fertile-type mucus, the probability of conception increases dramatically to 0.29, which is statistically significant.”
Hormonal Disorders and Uterine Bleeding: A Review of Research
“In this study, a higher prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was found among patients with AUB accompanied by a higher prevalence of hypothyroidism as indicated by an elevated TSH with decreased free T3 and free T4.”
FACTS Teacher Series: Gretchen Marsh, DO
“Marsh sees not only a growing need, but also a great opportunity for future physicians to expand their approach to patient care and explore the root causes of issues experienced by women and couples through a restorative reproductive approach.”
Physician Dispositions and Awareness of FABMs vs. Hormonal Contraception: A Research Review
“When asked if they discussed FABMs as part of their contraceptive counseling, 42% of physicians responded “yes,” 24% answered “sometimes,” and 34% responded “no.”
- Breastfeeding & Pregnancy
- Charting and the Science of the Cycle
- CME Samples
- FABM Effectiveness for Pregnancy Prevention
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- FABMs for Infertility And Achieving Pregnancy
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